1313 North Marketcase study

Wilmington, DE

"Providing upgraded building infrastructure to tenants with real environmental benefits was a win-win, and Seiberlich Trane Energy Services was instrumental in making that happen."

Scott Johnson, Partner at McConnell Johnson Real Estate

About the Client

The owner of 1313 North Market partnered with Seiberlich Trane Energy Services to complete $2.4MM in energy savings improvements that increased energy efficiency and occupant comfort. Upgrades were made to the 500,000 square foot multi-tenant office tower to improve aging infrastructure, enhance controls for tenant spaces, and meet the company’s energy and environmental goals.

Seiberlich Trane Energy Services completed an investment grade audit of the facilities and executed a performance contract to provide design and construction of the needed building improvements. The project leveraged a lot of existing infrastructure to keep costs low and was executed with minimal disruption to tenants.

Project Objectives

  • Reduction in utility spends
  • Extend life of existing equipment
  • Increase occupant comfort level
  • Better controls for tenant spaces

Energy Conservation Measures Installed

  • New boiler & fuel switching
  • Variable speed hot water
  • Chilled water plant optimization
  • AHU recommissioning: varible flow
  • Building airflow optimizations
  • Lighting retrofits
  • Building automation upgrades
  • Chiller leak check & repair

Energy Savings Results

The project realized both energy and operations savings. By improving efficiencies, the project saved approximately 39% of the benchmarked annual electric consumption while reducing the building’s carbon footprint by 29%. Additionally, the project performance exceeded projections allowing the owner to realize over 1MM kWh more savings than were guaranteed.

Delivered annual energy savings and demand reduction:

$2.4MM Total

Annual Environmental Impact of Project

The annual environmental impact of the project included a 2,941 ton reduction in CO2 equivalent emissions.

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